@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ sandbox_client_request_get(void)
struct http_request *rh = &curr->rqi;
if (rh->message_end) break;
r = recv(curr->csock, (curr->req_resp_data + r), curr->mod->max_req_sz - r, 0);
r = recv(curr->csock, (curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len), curr->mod->max_req_sz - curr->rr_data_len, 0);
if (r < 0) {
return r;
@ -168,61 +168,118 @@ static inline int
int sndsz = 0;
struct sandbox *curr = sandbox_current();
int bodylen = curr->rr_data_len;
if (bodylen > 0) {
http_response_body_set(curr->req_resp_data, bodylen);
char len[16] = { 0 };
sprintf(len, "%d", bodylen);
//content-length = body length
char *key = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
int lenlen = strlen("content-length: "), dlen = strlen(len);
strcpy(key, "content-length: ");
strncat(key + lenlen, len, dlen);
strncat(key + lenlen + dlen, "\r\n", 2);
http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + dlen + 2);
curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + dlen + 2;
//content-type as set in the headers.
key = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
strcpy(key, "content-type: ");
lenlen = strlen("content-type: ");
dlen = strlen(curr->mod->rspctype);
if (dlen == 0) {
int l = strlen("text/plain\r\n\r\n");
strncat(key + lenlen, "text/plain\r\n\r\n", l);
http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + l);
curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + l;
} else {
strncat(key + lenlen, curr->mod->rspctype, dlen);
strncat(key + lenlen + dlen, "\r\n\r\n", 4);
http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + dlen + 4);
curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + dlen + 4;
//TODO - other headers requested in module!
int rsp_hdr_len = strlen(HTTP_RESP_200OK) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN);
int bodylen = curr->rr_data_len - rsp_hdr_len;
memset(curr->req_resp_data, 0, strlen(HTTP_RESP_200OK) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN));
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data, HTTP_RESP_200OK, strlen(HTTP_RESP_200OK));
sndsz += strlen(HTTP_RESP_200OK);
if (bodylen == 0) goto done;
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data + sndsz, HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE, strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE));
if (strlen(curr->mod->rspctype) <= 0) {
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data + sndsz + strlen("Content-type: "), HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE_PLAIN, strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE_PLAIN));
} else {
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data + sndsz + strlen("Content-type: "), curr->mod->rspctype, strlen(curr->mod->rspctype));
sndsz += strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE);
char len[10] = { 0 };
sprintf(len, "%d", bodylen);
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data + sndsz, HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN, strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN));
strncpy(curr->req_resp_data + sndsz + strlen("Content-length: "), len, strlen(len));
sndsz += strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN);
sndsz += bodylen;
char *st = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
strcpy(st, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
curr->rr_data_len += strlen("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
assert(sndsz == curr->rr_data_len);
http_response_status_set(st, strlen("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"));
int n = http_response_vector();
int r = writev(curr->csock, curr->rsi.bufs, n);
if (r < 0) perror("writev");
int r = send(curr->csock, curr->req_resp_data, sndsz, 0);
if (r < 0) {
return -1;
while (r < sndsz) {
int s = send(curr->csock, curr->req_resp_data + r, sndsz - r, 0);
if (s < 0) {
return -1;
r += s;
uv_write_t req = { .data = curr, };
int r = uv_write(&req, (uv_stream_t *)&curr->cuv, curr->rsi.bufs, n, sb_write_callback);
uv_buf_t bufv = uv_buf_init(curr->req_resp_data, sndsz);
int r = uv_write(&req, (uv_stream_t *)&curr->cuv, &bufv, 1, sb_write_callback);
return 0;
return 0;
//static inline int
//#ifndef STANDALONE
// struct sandbox *curr = sandbox_current();
// int bodylen = curr->rr_data_len;
// if (bodylen > 0) {
// http_response_body_set(curr->req_resp_data, bodylen);
// char len[16] = { 0 };
// sprintf(len, "%d", bodylen);
// //content-length = body length
// char *key = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
// int lenlen = strlen("content-length: "), dlen = strlen(len);
// strcpy(key, "content-length: ");
// strncat(key + lenlen, len, dlen);
// strncat(key + lenlen + dlen, "\r\n", 2);
// http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + dlen + 2);
// curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + dlen + 2;
// //content-type as set in the headers.
// key = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
// strcpy(key, "content-type: ");
// lenlen = strlen("content-type: ");
// dlen = strlen(curr->mod->rspctype);
// if (dlen == 0) {
// int l = strlen("text/plain\r\n\r\n");
// strncat(key + lenlen, "text/plain\r\n\r\n", l);
// http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + l);
// curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + l;
// } else {
// strncat(key + lenlen, curr->mod->rspctype, dlen);
// strncat(key + lenlen + dlen, "\r\n\r\n", 4);
// http_response_header_set(key, lenlen + dlen + 4);
// curr->rr_data_len += lenlen + dlen + 4;
// }
// //TODO - other headers requested in module!
// }
// char *st = curr->req_resp_data + curr->rr_data_len;
// strcpy(st, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
// curr->rr_data_len += strlen("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
// http_response_status_set(st, strlen("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"));
// int n = http_response_vector();
//#ifndef USE_HTTP_UVIO
// int r = writev(curr->csock, curr->rsi.bufs, n);
// if (r < 0) perror("writev");
// uv_write_t req = { .data = curr, };
// int r = uv_write(&req, (uv_stream_t *)&curr->cuv, curr->rsi.bufs, n, sb_write_callback);
// sandbox_block_http();
// return 0;
// return 0;
@ -248,6 +305,8 @@ sandbox_entry(void)
http_parser_init(&curr->hp, HTTP_REQUEST);
curr->hp.data = curr;
// NOTE: if more headers, do offset by that!
int rsp_hdr_len = strlen(HTTP_RESP_200OK) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTTYPE) + strlen(HTTP_RESP_CONTLEN);
#ifndef USE_UVIO
printf("UVIO not enabled!\n");
@ -262,7 +321,11 @@ sandbox_entry(void)
if (sandbox_client_request_get() > 0)
curr->rr_data_len = 0; // TODO: do this on first write to body.
curr->rr_data_len = rsp_hdr_len; // TODO: do this on first write to body.
curr->rr_data_len = 0;
// perhaps only initialized for the first instance? or TODO!