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# shellcheck shell=bash
# shellcheck disable=SC1091,SC2034,SC2155
if [ -n "$__framework_sh__" ]; then return; fi
# This framework simplifies the scripting of experiments.
# It is designed around the idea of static experiments composed of one or more variants expressed by
# environment variables written to .env files. The default behavior is localhost mode, which runs a background
# server daemon and then execute a client driver script. If multiple .env files are defined, the framework
# automatically sets environment variables, starts the runtime as a background process, executes the client driver,
# stops the runtime, and clears the environment variables. The framework allows you to run the same logic on separate
# client and server hosts. It also provides various options to run under perf, gdb, valgrind, etc.
# To keep experiments relatively uniform, I suggest adding a single file inside your experiment.
# Your file should be started with the following snippet, which sources the file
# and delegates all external arguments to the framework via the framework_init function. The first few lines are
# used to temporary add the directory containing BASH library scripts to your PATH environment variable. You may
# need to modify __run_sh__bash_libraries_relative_path to adjust the relative path depending on the location
# of your experimental directory.
# #!/bin/bash
# __run_sh__base_path="$(dirname "$(realpath --logical "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
# __run_sh__bash_libraries_relative_path="../bash_libraries"
# __run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path=$(cd "$__run_sh__base_path" && cd "$__run_sh__bash_libraries_relative_path" && pwd)
# export PATH="$__run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path:$PATH"
# source || exit 1
# framework_init "$@"
# Use chmod +x to make your script executable, and then run ./ --help to test it.
# You should see help information if successful.
# At this point, your script can run the server with defaults usings the --debug, --perf, --serve, and --valgrind
# To run a client or the default localhost mode that runs a client and a server on the same machine, you have to
# implement a function called experiment_client in above your call to framework_init.
# This function receives two arguments:
# - a results directory where you should intermediate files and reports / charts
# - a target hostname where you should target requests
# This function is called once per experimental variant, and the results directory is adjusted accordingly to
# keep your data organized.
# If your server logs data that you need to process, you can execute post-processing logic by implementing
# experiment_server_post, which gets called once per variant after the server background task terminates
# If you want to do one time setup before executing any variants, perform this logic in before calling
# framework_init.
# In addition to, the bash_libraries directory contains a number of utility functions that are useful
# for cleaning and refactoring your data and error handling. Feel free to contribute utility functions to this
# directory if you write bash functions that you believe are reusable!
# It is also a good idea to look at the other experiments to get ideas for your script.
# If you are using VSCode, you have a number of extensions that help with bash development. This includes:
# - Bash IDE - an IntelliSense langauge server for bash
# - shell-format - Auto-format on save for bash
# - ShellCheck - an excellent linter for shell scripts.
# If you are not using VSCode, you may need to manually run shfmt against your script to keep formatting consistent
# Happy Scripting!
source "" || exit 1
source "" || exit 1
source "" || exit 1
source "" || exit 1
source "" || exit 1
__framework_sh__usage() {
echo "$0 [options...]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -d,--debug Debug under GDB but do not run client"
echo " -e,--envfile=<file name> Load an Env File. No path and pass filename with *.env extension"
echo " -h,--help Display usage information"
echo " -n,--name=<experiment> Provide a unique name for this experimental run. Defaults to timestamp"
echo " -p,--perf Run under perf. Limited to running on a baremetal Linux host!"
echo " -s,--serve Serve but do not run client"
echo " -t,--target=<target url> Execute as client against remote URL"
echo " -l,--loadgen=<hey|lt> Pick load generator to use for client. Default is hey."
echo " -v,--valgrind Debug under Valgrind but do not run client"
# Declares application level global state
__framework_sh__initialize_globals() {
# timestamp is used to name the results directory for a particular test run
# This can be manually overridden via the name argument
declare -gir __framework_sh__timestamp=$(date +%s)
declare -g __framework_sh__experiment_name="$__framework_sh__timestamp"
# Globals used by parse_arguments
declare -g __framework_sh__target=""
declare -g __framework_sh__role=""
declare -g __framework_sh__envfile=""
declare -g __framework_sh__loadgen=""
# Configure environment variables
declare -gr __framework_sh__application_directory="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0"))")"
declare -gr __framework_sh__path=$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")
declare -gr common_directory="$(cd "$__framework_sh__path" && cd ../common && pwd)"
local -r binary_directory="$(cd "$__framework_sh__path" && cd ../../runtime/bin && pwd)"
export PATH=$binary_directory:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$binary_directory:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Parses arguments from the user and sets associates global state
__framework_sh__parse_arguments() {
for i in "$@"; do
case $i in
-t=* | --target=*)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "server" ]]; then
echo "Cannot set target when server"
return 1
-s | --serve)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "client" ]]; then
echo "Cannot use -s,--serve with -t,--target"
return 1
-d | --debug)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "client" ]]; then
echo "Cannot use -d,--debug with -t,--target"
return 1
-p | --perf)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "client" ]]; then
echo "Cannot use -p,--perf with -t,--target"
return 1
-v | --valgrind)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "client" ]]; then
echo "Cannot use -v,--valgrind with -t,--target"
return 1
-n=* | --name=*)
echo "Set experiment name to ${i#*=}"
__framework_sh__experiment_name+=" ${i#*=}"
-e=* | --envfile=*)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "client" ]]; then
echo "Expected to be used with run by the server"
return 1
echo "Set envfile to $__framework_sh__envfile"
-l=* | --loadgen=*)
if [[ "$__framework_sh__role" == "server" ]]; then
echo "Expected to be used with run by the client"
return 1
echo "Set load generator to $__framework_sh__loadgen"
-h | --help)
exit 0
nuclio | Nuclio)
echo "Running for Nuclio"
echo "$1 is a not a valid option"
return 1
if [[ -z "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]]; then
if [[ -d "$__framework_sh__application_directory/res-$__framework_sh__role/$__framework_sh__experiment_name/" ]]; then
echo "Experiment $__framework_sh__experiment_name already exists. Pick a unique name!"
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]]; then
echo "$__framework_sh__envfile not found!!!"
exit 1
short_name="$(basename "${__framework_sh__envfile/.env/}")"
echo "$__framework_sh__application_directory/res-$__framework_sh__role/$__framework_sh__experiment_name/$short_name/"
if [[ -d "$__framework_sh__application_directory/res-$__framework_sh__role/$__framework_sh__experiment_name/$short_name/" ]]; then
echo "Variant $short_name was already run in experiment ${__framework_sh__experiment_name}."
exit 1
# default to both if no arguments were passed
if [[ -z "$__framework_sh__role" ]]; then
# Set globals as read only
declare -r __framework_sh__target
declare -r __framework_sh__role
# Log hardware and software info for the execution
__framework_sh__log_environment() {
validate_dependencies git
echo "*******"
echo "* Git *"
echo "*******"
git log | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f2
git status
echo ""
echo "************"
echo "* Spec.json *"
echo "************"
cat "$(path_join "$__framework_sh__application_directory" ./spec.json)"
echo ""
echo "************"
echo "* Makefile *"
echo "************"
cat "$(path_join "$__framework_sh__path" ../../Makefile)"
echo ""
echo "**************"
echo "* " "$0" " *"
echo "**************"
cat "$(path_join "$__framework_sh__application_directory" "$0")"
echo ""
echo "************"
echo "* Hardware *"
echo "************"
echo ""
echo "*************"
echo "* Execution *"
echo "*************"
# $1 - Results Directory
# $2 - How to run (foreground|background)
# $3 - JSON specification
__framework_sh__start_runtime() {
printf "Starting Runtime: "
if (($# != 2)); then
printf "[ERR]\n"
panic "invalid number of arguments \"$1\""
return 1
elif ! [[ $1 =~ ^(foreground|background)$ ]]; then
printf "[ERR]\n"
panic "expected foreground or background was \"$1\""
return 1
elif [[ ! -f "$2" || "$2" != *.json ]]; then
printf "[ERR]\n"
panic "\"$2\" does not exist or is not a JSON"
return 1
local -r how_to_run="$1"
local -r specification="$2"
local -r log_name=log_server.txt
local log="$RESULTS_DIRECTORY/${log_name}"
local -i sledgert_pid=0
__framework_sh__log_environment >> "$log"
case "$how_to_run" in
sledgert "$specification" >> "$log" 2>> "$log" &
# Pad with a sleep to allow runtime to initialize before startup tasks run
# This should be improved adding some sort of ping/ping heartbeat to the runtime
# so the script can spin until initializaiton is complete
sleep 1
if ! kill -0 $sledgert_pid; then
printf "[ERR]\n"
return 1
sledgert "$specification"
fn_exists experiment_server_post && experiment_server_post "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY"
printf "[OK]\n"
return 0
__framework_sh__run_server() {
if (($# != 1)); then
printf "[ERR]\n"
panic "Invalid number of arguments. Saw $#. Expected 1."
return 1
elif ! [[ $1 =~ ^(foreground|background)$ ]]; then
printf "[ERR]\n"
panic "expected foreground or background was \"$3\""
return 1
local -r how_to_run="$1"
__framework_sh__start_runtime "$how_to_run" "$__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json" || {
echo "__framework_sh__start_runtime RC: $?"
panic "Error calling __framework_sh__start_runtime $how_to_run $__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json"
return 1
return 0
__framework_sh__run_perf() {
validate_dependencies perf
perf record -g -s sledgert "$__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json"
fn_exists experiment_server_post && experiment_server_post "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY"
__framework_sh__run_valgrind() {
validate_dependencies valgrind
valgrind --leak-check=full sledgert "$__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json"
fn_exists experiment_server_post && experiment_server_post "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY"
# Starts the Sledge Runtime under GDB
__framework_sh__run_debug() {
validate_dependencies gdb
local project_directory=$(cd ../.. && pwd)
if [[ "$project_directory" != "/sledge/runtime" ]]; then
printf "It appears that you are not running in the container. Substituting path to match host environment\n"
gdb \
--eval-command="handle SIGUSR1 noprint nostop" \
--eval-command="handle SIGPIPE noprint nostop" \
--eval-command="set pagination off" \
--eval-command="set print pretty" \
--eval-command="set substitute-path /sledge/runtime $project_directory" \
--eval-command="run $__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json" \
gdb \
--eval-command="handle SIGUSR1 noprint nostop" \
--eval-command="handle SIGPIPE noprint nostop" \
--eval-command="set pagination off" \
--eval-command="set print pretty" \
--eval-command="run $__framework_sh__application_directory/spec.json" \
fn_exists experiment_server_post && experiment_server_post "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY"
return 0
__framework_sh__run_client() {
local -r log_name=log_client.txt
local log="$RESULTS_DIRECTORY/${log_name}"
__framework_sh__log_environment >> "$log"
experiment_client "$__framework_sh__target" "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY" "$__framework_sh__loadgen" || return 1
return 0
__framework_sh__load_env_file() {
local envfile="${1:?envfile not defined}"
[[ ! -f "$envfile" ]] && echo "envfile not found" && return 1
local short_name
short_name="$(basename "${envfile/.env/}")"
printf "Running %s\n" "$short_name"
while read -r line; do
echo export "${line?}"
export "${line?}"
done < "$envfile"
__framework_sh__create_and_export_results_directory "$short_name"
__framework_sh__unset_env_file() {
local envfile="${1:?envfile not defined}"
[[ ! -f "$envfile" ]] && echo "envfile not found" && return 1
while read -r line; do
echo unset "${line//=*/}"
unset "${line//=*/}"
done < "$envfile"
__framework_sh__run_both_env() {
local envfile="${1:?envfile not defined}"
__framework_sh__load_env_file "$envfile"
__framework_sh__run_server background || {
panic "Error calling __framework_sh__run_server"
return 1
__framework_sh__run_client || {
__framework_sh__unset_env_file "$envfile"
return 1
__framework_sh__stop_runtime || {
panic "Error calling __framework_sh__stop_runtime"
__framework_sh__unset_env_file "$envfile"
return 1
__framework_sh__unset_env_file "$envfile"
# If envfile explicitly passed, just run that. Otherwise, run all
__framework_sh__run_both() {
shopt -s nullglob
if [[ -n "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]]; then
__framework_sh__run_both_env "$__framework_sh__envfile"
local -i envfiles_found=0
for envfile in "$common_directory"/*.env; do
__framework_sh__run_both_env "$envfile" || exit 1
((envfiles_found == 0)) && {
echo "No *.env files found. Nothing to run!"
exit 1
return 0
# Optionally accepts a subdirectory
# This is intended to namespace distinct runtime configs under a single namespace
__framework_sh__create_and_export_results_directory() {
local -r subdirectory=${1:-""}
local dir="$__framework_sh__application_directory/res-$__framework_sh__role/$__framework_sh__experiment_name"
# local dir="$__framework_sh__application_directory/res-$__framework_sh__role/$__framework_sh__experiment_name/$subdirectory"
mkdir -p "$dir" || {
panic "mkdir -p $dir"
return 1
# Responsible for ensuring that the experiment file meets framework assumptions
__framework_sh__validate_client() {
if [[ $(type -t experiment_client) != "function" ]]; then
panic "function experiment_client was not defined"
return 1
framework_init() {
__framework_sh__initialize_globals || exit 1
__framework_sh__parse_arguments "$@" || exit 1
__framework_sh__create_and_export_results_directory || exit 1
case $__framework_sh__role in
__framework_sh__validate_client || exit 1
[[ -n "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]] && __framework_sh__load_env_file "$__framework_sh__application_directory/$__framework_sh__envfile"
__framework_sh__run_server foreground
[[ -n "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]] && __framework_sh__load_env_file "$__framework_sh__application_directory/$__framework_sh__envfile"
[[ -n "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]] && __framework_sh__load_env_file "$__framework_sh__application_directory/$__framework_sh__envfile"
[[ -n "$__framework_sh__envfile" ]] && __framework_sh__load_env_file "$__framework_sh__application_directory/$__framework_sh__envfile"
__framework_sh__validate_client || exit 1
echo "Invalid state"
return "$?"
__framework_sh__stop_runtime() {
printf "Stopping Runtime: "
# Ignoring RC of 1, as it indicates no matching process
pkill sledgert > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
(($? > 1)) && {
printf "[ERR]\npkill sledgrt: %d\n" $?
exit 1
pkill hey > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
(($? > 1)) && {
printf "[ERR]\npkill hey: %d\n" $?
exit 1
fn_exists experiment_server_post && experiment_server_post "$RESULTS_DIRECTORY"
printf "[OK]\n"