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# shellcheck shell=bash
source "" || exit 1
# These utility functions are used to generate percentile tables that summarize distributions of data.
# Each row represents an independent variable, such as a scheduling policy
# The data for each column is provided as a single column of sorted data
# If the data is too course, a percentile might be statistically insignificant. If this is the case,
# The script writes an * to the appropriate cell
# Example:
# percentiles_table_header "./table.csv"
# for $variant in (fifo_nopreemption fifo_preemption edf_nopreemption edf_preemption); do
# percentiles_table_row "./${variant}.csv" "./table.csv" "$variant"
# done
# See Also:
# - csv_to_dat - Can transform a table into a *.dat file suitable for gnuplot
# References
# - The AWK Programming Language -
# - GAWK: Effective AWK Programming -
percentiles_table_header() {
local table_file="${1:?table_file not set}"
# Can optionally override "app" in header
local label_header="${2:-app}"
echo "${label_header},cnt,min,mean,p50,p90,p99,max" > "$table_file"
# columnar_data_file is assumed to be a file containing a single column or sorted data
percentiles_table_row() {
local -r columnar_data_file="${1:?columnar_data_file not set}"
check_file columnar_data_file
local -r table_file="${2:?table_file not set}"
check_file table_file
local -r row_label="${3:?row_label not set}"
local -r format_string="${4:-%1.0f}"
# Count the number of results
local -i sample_size
sample_size=$(wc -l < "$columnar_data_file")
if ((sample_size == 0)); then
# We might not have actually run every variant depending on iterations and workload mix
# Insert a degenerate row if this is the case
echo "$row_label,0,*,*,*,*,*,*" >> "$table_file"
awk '
sum = 0
p50_idx = int(sample_size * 0.5)
p90_idx = int(sample_size * 0.9)
p99_idx = int(sample_size * 0.99)
p100_idx = sample_size
# Empty pattern matches all rows
{ sum += $0 }
NR==1 { min = sample_size > 0 ? sprintf(format_string, $0) : invalid_number_symbol }
NR==p50_idx { p50 = sample_size >= 3 ? sprintf(format_string, $0) : invalid_number_symbol }
NR==p90_idx { p90 = sample_size >= 10 ? sprintf(format_string, $0) : invalid_number_symbol }
NR==p99_idx { p99 = sample_size >= 100 ? sprintf(format_string, $0) : invalid_number_symbol }
NR==p100_idx { p100 = sample_size > 0 ? sprintf(format_string, $0) : invalid_number_symbol }
mean = sample_size > 0 ? sprintf(format_string, sum / NR) : invalid_number_symbol
printf "%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", row_label, sample_size, min, mean, p50, p90, p99, p100
' < "$columnar_data_file" >> "$table_file"