forked from haiwan/sledge
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
162 lines
6.2 KiB
162 lines
6.2 KiB
# Add bash_libraries directory to path
__run_sh__base_path="$(dirname "$(realpath --logical "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
__run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path=$(cd "$__run_sh__base_path" && cd "$__run_sh__bash_libraries_relative_path" && pwd)
export PATH="$__run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path:$PATH"
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
# declare -a workloads=(ekf resize lpd gocr)
declare -a workloads=(ekf resize lpd)
profile() {
local hostname="$1"
local -r results_directory="$2"
echo "$results_directory/ekf/benchmark.csv"
# ekf
mkdir "$results_directory/ekf"
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 16 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./ekf/initial_state.dat" "http://${hostname}:10000" > /dev/null
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 256 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./ekf/initial_state.dat" "http://${hostname}:10000" > "$results_directory/ekf/benchmark.csv"
# Resize
mkdir "$results_directory/resize"
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 16 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./resize/shrinking_man_large.jpg" "http://${hostname}:10001" > /dev/null
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 256 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./resize/shrinking_man_large.jpg" "http://${hostname}:10001" > "$results_directory/resize/benchmark.csv"
# lpd
mkdir "$results_directory/lpd"
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 16 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./lpd/Cars0.png" "http://${hostname}:10002" > /dev/null
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 256 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./lpd/Cars0.png" "http://${hostname}:10002" > "$results_directory/lpd/benchmark.csv"
# gocr - Hit error. Commented out temporarily
# mkdir "$results_directory/gocr"
# hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 16 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -m GET -D "./gocr/hyde.pnm" "http://${hostname}:10003" > /dev/null
# hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n 256 -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./gocr/hyde.pnm" "http://${hostname}:10003" > "$results_directory/gocr/benchmark.csv"
get_baseline_execution() {
local -r results_directory="$1"
local -r module="$2"
local -ir percentile="$3"
local response_times_file="$results_directory/$module/response_times_sorted.csv"
# Skip empty results
local -i oks
oks=$(wc -l < "$response_times_file")
((oks == 0)) && return 1
# Generate Latency Data for csv
awk '
BEGIN {idx = int('"$oks"' * ('"$percentile"' / 100))}
NR==idx {printf "%1.4f\n", $0}
' < "$response_times_file"
get_random_from_interval() {
local -r lower="$1"
local -r upper="$2"
awk "BEGIN { \"date +%N\" | getline seed; srand(seed); print rand() * ($upper - $lower) + $lower}"
calculate_relative_deadline() {
local -r baseline="$1"
local -r multiplier="$2"
awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\n\", ($baseline * $multiplier)}"
generate_spec() {
local results_directory="$1"
# Multiplier Interval and Expected Execution Percentile is currently the same for all workloads
local -r multiplier_interval_lower_bound="1.5"
local -r multiplier_interval_upper_bound="2.0"
local -ri percentile=90
((percentile < 50 || percentile > 99)) && panic "Percentile should be between 50 and 99 inclusive, was $percentile"
local -A multiplier=()
local -A baseline_execution=()
local -A relative_deadline=()
for workload in "${workloads[@]}"; do
multiplier["$workload"]="$(get_random_from_interval $multiplier_interval_lower_bound $multiplier_interval_upper_bound)"
baseline_execution["$workload"]="$(get_baseline_execution "$results_directory" "$workload" $percentile)"
[[ -z "${baseline_execution[$workload]}" ]] && {
panic "Failed to get baseline execution for $workload"
exit 1
[[ -z "${multiplier[$workload]}" ]] && {
panic "Failed to generate multiplier for $workload"
exit 1
relative_deadline["$workload"]="$(calculate_relative_deadline "${baseline_execution[$workload]}" "${multiplier[$workload]}")"
echo "$workload"
printf "\tbaseline: %s\n" "${baseline_execution[$workload]}"
printf "\tmultiplier: %s\n" "${multiplier[$workload]}"
printf "\tdeadline: %s\n" "${relative_deadline[$workload]}"
} >> "$results_directory/log.txt"
# TODO: Excluding gocr because of difficulty used gocr with hey
# Our JSON format is not spec complaint. I have to hack in a wrapping array before jq and delete it afterwards
# expected-execution-us and admissions-percentile is only used by admissions control
echo "["
cat ./spec.json
echo "]"
} | jq "\
[ \
.[] | \
if (.name == \"ekf\") then . + { \
\"relative-deadline-us\": ${relative_deadline[ekf]},\
\"expected-execution-us\": ${baseline_execution[ekf]},\
\"admissions-percentile\": $percentile
} else . end | \
if (.name == \"resize\") then . + { \
\"relative-deadline-us\": ${relative_deadline[resize]},\
\"expected-execution-us\": ${baseline_execution[resize]},\
\"admissions-percentile\": $percentile
} else . end | \
if (.name == \"lpd\") then . + { \
\"relative-deadline-us\": ${relative_deadline[lpd]},\
\"expected-execution-us\": ${baseline_execution[lpd]},\
\"admissions-percentile\": $percentile
} else . end \
]" | tail -n +2 | head -n-1 > "$results_directory/spec.json"
# Process the experimental results and generate human-friendly results for success rate, throughput, and latency
process_results() {
local results_directory="$1"
for workload in "${workloads[@]}"; do
# Filter on 200s, subtract DNS time, convert from s to us, and sort
awk -F, '$7 == 200 {print (($1 - $2) * 1000000)}' < "$results_directory/$workload/benchmark.csv" \
| sort -g > "$results_directory/$workload/response_times_sorted.csv"
generate_spec "$results_directory"
return 0
experiment_main() {
local -r hostname="$1"
local -r results_directory="$2"
profile "$hostname" "$results_directory" || return 1
process_results "$results_directory"
main "$@"