#!/bin/bash source ../common.sh # This experiment is intended to document how the level of concurrent requests influence the latency, throughput, and success/failure rate # Use -d flag if running under gdb timestamp=$(date +%s) experiment_directory=$(pwd) binary_directory=$(cd ../../bin && pwd) results_directory="$experiment_directory/res/$timestamp" log=log.txt mkdir -p "$results_directory" log_environment >> "$results_directory/$log" # Start the runtime if [ "$1" != "-d" ]; then PATH="$binary_directory:$PATH" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$binary_directory:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" sledgert "$experiment_directory/spec.json" >> "$results_directory/$log" 2>> "$results_directory/$log" & sleep 1 else echo "Running under gdb" echo "Running under gdb" >> "$results_directory/$log" fi payloads=(fivebyeight/5x8 handwriting/handwrt1 hyde/hyde) ports=(10000 10001 10002) iterations=1000 # Execute workloads long enough for runtime to learn excepted execution time echo -n "Running Samples: " for i in {0..2}; do hey -n 200 -c 3 -q 200 -o csv -m GET -D "$experiment_directory/${payloads[$i]}.pnm" "http://localhost:${ports[$i]}" done sleep 1 echo "[DONE]" # Execute the experiments echo "Running Experiments" for i in {0..2}; do printf "\t%s Payload: " "${payloads[$i]}" file=$(echo "${payloads[$i]}" | awk -F/ '{print $2}').csv hey -n "$iterations" -c 3 -cpus 2 -o csv -m GET -D "$experiment_directory/${payloads[$i]}.pnm" "http://localhost:${ports[$i]}" > "$results_directory/$file" echo "[DONE]" done # Stop the runtime if [ "$1" != "-d" ]; then sleep 5 kill_runtime fi # Generate *.csv and *.dat results echo -n "Parsing Results: " printf "Concurrency,Success_Rate\n" >> "$results_directory/success.csv" printf "Concurrency,Throughput\n" >> "$results_directory/throughput.csv" printf "Con,p50,p90,p99,p100\n" >> "$results_directory/latency.csv" for payload in ${payloads[*]}; do # Calculate Success Rate for csv file=$(echo "$payload" | awk -F/ '{print $2}') awk -F, ' $7 == 200 {ok++} END{printf "'"$file"',%3.5f\n", (ok / '"$iterations"' * 100)} ' < "$results_directory/$file.csv" >> "$results_directory/success.csv" # Filter on 200s, convery from s to ms, and sort awk -F, '$7 == 200 {print ($1 * 1000)}' < "$results_directory/$file.csv" \ | sort -g > "$results_directory/$file-response.csv" # Get Number of 200s oks=$(wc -l < "$results_directory/$file-response.csv") ((oks == 0)) && continue # If all errors, skip line # Get Latest Timestamp duration=$(tail -n1 "$results_directory/$file.csv" | cut -d, -f8) throughput=$(echo "$oks/$duration" | bc) printf "%s,%f\n" "$file" "$throughput" >> "$results_directory/throughput.csv" # Generate Latency Data for csv awk ' BEGIN { sum = 0 p50 = int('"$oks"' * 0.5) p90 = int('"$oks"' * 0.9) p99 = int('"$oks"' * 0.99) p100 = '"$oks"' printf "'"$file"'," } NR==p50 {printf "%1.4f,", $0} NR==p90 {printf "%1.4f,", $0} NR==p99 {printf "%1.4f,", $0} NR==p100 {printf "%1.4f\n", $0} ' < "$results_directory/$file-response.csv" >> "$results_directory/latency.csv" # Delete scratch file used for sorting/counting rm -rf "$results_directory/$file-response.csv" done # Transform csvs to dat files for gnuplot for file in success latency throughput; do echo -n "#" > "$results_directory/$file.dat" tr ',' ' ' < "$results_directory/$file.csv" | column -t >> "$results_directory/$file.dat" done # Generate gnuplots generate_gnuplots # Cleanup, if requires echo "[DONE]"