#!/bin/bash # Executes the runtime in GDB # Substitutes the absolute path from the container with a path relatively derived from the location of this script # This allows debugging outside of the Docker container # Also disables pagination and stopping on SIGUSR1 experiment_directory=$(pwd) echo "$experiment_directory" project_directory=$(cd ../../../.. && pwd) binary_directory=$(cd "$project_directory"/bin && pwd) log="$experiment_directory/log.csv" if [ "$1" != "-d" ]; then SLEDGE_SANDBOX_PERF_LOG=$log PATH="$binary_directory:$PATH" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$binary_directory:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" sledgert "$experiment_directory/spec.json" >rt.log 2>&1 & sleep 2 else echo "Running under gdb" fi word_counts=(1 10 100) declare -A word_count_to_port word_count_to_port["1_words.pnm"]=10000 word_count_to_port["10_words.pnm"]=10001 word_count_to_port["100_words.pnm"]=10002 total_count=100 for ((i = 0; i < total_count; i++)); do echo "$i" for word_count in "${word_counts[@]}"; do echo "${word_count}"_words.pnm words="$(shuf -n"$word_count" /usr/share/dict/american-english)" pango-view --font=mono -qo "$word_count"_words.png -t "$words" || exit 1 pngtopnm "$word_count"_words.png >"$word_count"_words.pnm || exit 1 result=$(curl -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @"${word_count}"_words.pnm localhost:${word_count_to_port["$word_count"_words.pnm]} 2>/dev/null) diff -ywBZE --suppress-common-lines <(echo "$words") <(echo "$result") echo "===============================================" done done if [ "$1" != "-d" ]; then sleep 2 echo -n "Running Cleanup: " rm ./*.png ./*.pnm pkill --signal sigterm sledgert >/dev/null 2>/dev/null sleep 2 pkill sledgert -9 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "[DONE]" fi