Blackbox Actions ================ 1. Download and install the OpenWhisk CLI 2. Install OpenWhisk Docker action skeleton. 3. Add user code 4. Build image 5. Push image 6. Test out action with CLI The script `` is provided for your convenience. The following command sequence runs the included example Docker action container using OpenWhisk. ``` # install dockerSkeleton with example wsk sdk install docker # change working directory cd dockerSkeleton # build/push, argument is your docker hub user name and a valid docker image name ./buildAndPush /whiskexample # create docker action wsk action create dockerSkeletonExample --docker /whiskExample # invoke created action wsk action invoke dockerSkeletonExample --blocking ``` The executable file must be located in the `/action` folder. The name of the executable must be `/action/exec` and can be any file with executable permissions. The sample docker action runs `example.c` by copying and building the source inside the container as `/action/exec` (see `Dockerfile` lines 7 and 14).