You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
167 lines
5.0 KiB
167 lines
5.0 KiB
# Add bash_libraries directory to path
__run_sh__base_path="$(dirname "$(realpath --logical "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
__run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path=$(cd "$__run_sh__base_path" && cd "$__run_sh__bash_libraries_relative_path" && pwd)
export PATH="$__run_sh__bash_libraries_absolute_path:$PATH"
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
source || exit 1
run_functional_tests() {
local hostname="$1"
local results_directory="$2"
local -i success_count=0
local -ir total_count=50
local tmpfs_dir=/tmp/sledge_ekf_by_iteration
[[ -d "$tmpfs_dir" ]] && {
echo "$tmpfs_dir directory exists. Delete via rm -r $tmpfs_dir and rerun."
return 1
mkdir "$tmpfs_dir" || {
echo "Failed to create tmp directory"
return 1
for ((i = 0; i < total_count; i++)); do
curl -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@initial_state.dat" "$hostname":10000 2> /dev/null > "$tmpfs_dir/one_iteration_res.dat"
curl -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@$tmpfs_dir/one_iteration_res.dat" "$hostname":10001 2> /dev/null > "$tmpfs_dir/two_iterations_res.dat"
curl -H 'Expect:' -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@$tmpfs_dir/two_iterations_res.dat" "$hostname":10002 2> /dev/null > "$tmpfs_dir/three_iterations_res.dat"
if diff -s "$tmpfs_dir/one_iteration_res.dat" one_iteration.dat > /dev/null \
&& diff -s "$tmpfs_dir/two_iterations_res.dat" two_iterations.dat > /dev/null \
&& diff -s "$tmpfs_dir/three_iterations_res.dat" three_iterations.dat > /dev/null; then
rm -r "$tmpfs_dir"
if ((success_count == total_count)); then
return 0
return 1
run_perf_tests() {
local hostname="$1"
local results_directory="$2"
local -ir total_iterations=100
local -ir worker_max=10
local -ir batch_size=10
local -i batch_id=0
local pids
echo -n "Perf Tests: "
for workload in "${workloads[@]}"; do
for ((i = 0; i < total_iterations; i += batch_size)); do
# Block waiting for a worker to finish if we are at our max
while (($(pgrep --count hey) >= worker_max)); do
wait -n $(pgrep hey | tr '\n' ' ')
hey -disable-compression -disable-keepalive -disable-redirects -n $batch_size -c 1 -cpus 1 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -D "./${workload}.dat" "http://${hostname}:${port[$workload]}" > "$results_directory/${workload}_${batch_id}.csv" &
pids=$(pgrep hey | tr '\n' ' ')
[[ -n $pids ]] && wait -f $pids
echo "[OK]"
for workload in "${workloads[@]}"; do
tail --quiet -n +2 "$results_directory/${workload}"_*.csv >> "$results_directory/${workload}.csv"
rm "$results_directory/${workload}"_*.csv
# Process the experimental results and generate human-friendly results for success rate, throughput, and latency
process_results() {
if (($# != 1)); then
error_msg "invalid number of arguments ($#, expected 1)"
return 1
elif ! [[ -d "$1" ]]; then
error_msg "directory $1 does not exist"
return 1
local -r results_directory="$1"
printf "Processing Results: "
# Write headers to CSVs
printf "Payload,p50,p90,p99,p100\n" >> "$results_directory/latency.csv"
for workload in "${workloads[@]}"; do
# Filter on 200s, subtract DNS time, convert from s to ms, and sort
awk -F, '$7 == 200 {print (($1 - $2) * 1000)}' < "$results_directory/$workload.csv" \
| sort -g > "$results_directory/$workload-response.csv"
oks=$(wc -l < "$results_directory/$workload-response.csv")
((oks == 0)) && continue # If all errors, skip line
# Generate Latency Data for csv
awk '
sum = 0
p50 = int('"$oks"' * 0.5)
p90 = int('"$oks"' * 0.9)
p99 = int('"$oks"' * 0.99)
p100 = '"$oks"'
printf "'"$workload"',"
NR==p50 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p90 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p99 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p100 {printf "%1.4f\n", $0}
' < "$results_directory/$workload-response.csv" >> "$results_directory/latency.csv"
# Delete scratch file used for sorting/counting
rm -rf "$results_directory/$workload-response.csv"
# Transform csvs to dat files for gnuplot
csv_to_dat "$results_directory/latency.csv"
printf "[OK]\n"
return 0
experiment_main() {
local -r hostname="$1"
local -r results_directory="$2"
run_functional_tests "$hostname" "$results_directory" || return 1
run_perf_tests "$hostname" "$results_directory" || return 1
process_results "$results_directory" || return 1
return 0
# Copy data if not here
if [[ ! -f "$__run_sh__base_path/initial_state.dat" ]]; then
pushd "$__run_sh__base_path" || exit 1
pushd "../../../../tests/TinyEKF/extras/c/" || exit 1
cp ekf_raw.dat "$__run_sh__base_path/initial_state.dat" || exit 1
popd || exit 1
popd || exit 1
declare -a workloads=(initial_state one_iteration two_iterations)
declare -A port=(
main "$@"