#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "debuglog.h" #include "deque.h" #include "http_total.h" #include "module.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "sandbox_state.h" #include "lock.h" struct sandbox_pre_functions_output { char * previous_function_output; ssize_t output_length; uint32_t run_priority; struct sandbox_pre_functions_output* next; }; struct sandbox_request { uint64_t id; bool request_from_outside; /* true is yes, false is no */ struct module * module; char * arguments; int socket_descriptor; struct sockaddr socket_address; uint64_t request_arrival_timestamp; /* cycles */ uint64_t enqueue_timestamp; /* cycles */ uint64_t absolute_deadline; /* cycles */ uint64_t last_update_timestamp; /* cycles */ uint64_t remaining_slack; /* cycles */ uint64_t laxity; /* cycles */ struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *pre_functions_output; pthread_spinlock_t lock; char * previous_function_output; ssize_t output_length; ssize_t previous_request_length; /* * Unitless estimate of the instantaneous fraction of system capacity required to run the request * Calculated by estimated execution time (cycles) * runtime_admissions_granularity / relative deadline (cycles) */ uint64_t admissions_estimate; }; DEQUE_PROTOTYPE(sandbox, struct sandbox_request *) /* Count of the total number of requests we've ever allocated. Never decrements as it is used to generate IDs */ extern _Atomic uint32_t sandbox_request_count; static inline void sandbox_request_count_initialize() { atomic_init(&sandbox_request_count, 0); } static inline uint32_t sandbox_request_count_postfix_increment() { return atomic_fetch_add(&sandbox_request_count, 1); } static inline void sandbox_request_log_allocation(struct sandbox_request *sandbox_request) { #ifdef LOG_REQUEST_ALLOCATION debuglog("Sandbox Request %lu: of %s:%d\n", sandbox_request->id, sandbox_request->module->name, sandbox_request->module->port); #endif } /** * Allocates a new Sandbox Request and places it on the Global Deque * @param module the module we want to request * @param arguments the arguments that we'll pass to the serverless function * @param socket_descriptor * @param socket_address * @param request_arrival_timestamp the timestamp of when we receives the request from the network (in cycles) * @return the new sandbox request */ static inline struct sandbox_request * sandbox_request_allocate(struct module *module, bool request_from_outside, ssize_t request_length, char *arguments, int socket_descriptor, const struct sockaddr *socket_address, uint64_t request_arrival_timestamp, uint64_t enqueue_timestamp, uint64_t remaining_slack, uint64_t laxity, uint64_t admissions_estimate, char *previous_function_output, ssize_t output_length) { struct sandbox_request *sandbox_request = (struct sandbox_request *)malloc(sizeof(struct sandbox_request)); assert(sandbox_request); /* Sets the ID to the value before the increment */ sandbox_request->id = sandbox_request_count_postfix_increment(); sandbox_request->module = module; sandbox_request->request_from_outside = request_from_outside; sandbox_request->arguments = arguments; sandbox_request->socket_descriptor = socket_descriptor; memcpy(&sandbox_request->socket_address, socket_address, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); sandbox_request->request_arrival_timestamp = request_arrival_timestamp; sandbox_request->enqueue_timestamp = enqueue_timestamp; sandbox_request->absolute_deadline = request_arrival_timestamp + module->relative_deadline; sandbox_request->previous_function_output = previous_function_output; sandbox_request->output_length = output_length; sandbox_request->previous_request_length = request_length; sandbox_request->last_update_timestamp = enqueue_timestamp; sandbox_request->remaining_slack = remaining_slack; sandbox_request->laxity = laxity; /*Avoid pointer suspension*/ sandbox_request->pre_functions_output = NULL; pthread_spin_init(&sandbox_request->lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE); /* * Admissions Control State * Assumption: an estimate of 0 should have been interpreted as a rejection */ assert(admissions_estimate != 0); sandbox_request->admissions_estimate = admissions_estimate; sandbox_request_log_allocation(sandbox_request); return sandbox_request; } /** * Allocate a new node for the list of previous function outputs. Ensures that * the list remains sorted based on run_priority, which must be less than 6. * @param head the head of struct sandbox_request->previous_function_output * @param output the output of the previous function * @param output_length the length of the output * @param run_priority the run_priority of the sandbox->module->run_priority * The first four bytes of the data represent the length of the data, and the tail character & serves as the delimiter marker **/ static inline void pre_functions_output_request_add(struct sandbox_request *request, char *output, ssize_t output_length, uint32_t run_priority) { assert(run_priority < 6); // pthread_spin_lock(&request->lock); if (!output || output_length <= 0) { debuglog("output is null or output_length is <= 0"); // goto done; return; } struct sandbox_pre_functions_output **head = &request->pre_functions_output; struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *new_node = (struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *)malloc(sizeof(struct sandbox_pre_functions_output)); if (!new_node) { panic("Could not allocate memory for new node"); } new_node->previous_function_output = (char *)malloc(output_length); if (!new_node->previous_function_output) { free(new_node); panic("Could not allocate memory for output buffer"); } //memcpy(new_node->previous_function_output, output, output_length); new_node->previous_function_output = output; new_node->output_length = output_length; new_node->run_priority = run_priority; new_node->next = NULL; if (*head == NULL || (*head)->run_priority >= run_priority) { new_node->next = *head; *head = new_node; } else { struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *current = *head; while (current->next && current->next->run_priority < run_priority) { current = current->next; } new_node->next = current->next; current->next = new_node; } //done: // pthread_spin_unlock(&request->lock); } /** * The output result of the sandbox in the splicing structure **/ static inline void concatenate_outputs(struct sandbox_request *request) { if(request->pre_functions_output == NULL) { return; } size_t total_length = 0; // Calculate total length without extra for null character struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *current = request->pre_functions_output; if(current && !current->next) { char *previous_function_output = (char *)malloc(current->output_length); if (!previous_function_output) { panic("Could not allocate memory for concatenated output"); return; } memcpy(previous_function_output, current->previous_function_output, current->output_length); request->output_length = current->output_length; request->previous_function_output = previous_function_output; return; } /* 4 bytes of data represents the length of the data */ while (current != NULL) { total_length += current->output_length + 4; current = current->next; } char *concatenated_output = (char *)malloc(total_length); if (!concatenated_output) { panic("Could not allocate memory for concatenated output"); return; } char *copy_dest = concatenated_output; current = request->pre_functions_output; while (current != NULL) { size_t copy_length = current->output_length; *(uint32_t *)copy_dest = (uint32_t)copy_length; copy_dest += 4; memcpy(copy_dest, current->previous_function_output, copy_length); copy_dest += copy_length; current = current->next; } if (request->previous_function_output != NULL) { free(request->previous_function_output); request->previous_function_output = NULL; } request->output_length = total_length; request->previous_function_output = concatenated_output; /**/ if (request->pre_functions_output != NULL) { struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *current = request->pre_functions_output; struct sandbox_pre_functions_output *next = NULL; while (current) { next = current->next; free(current->previous_function_output); free(current); current = next; } request->pre_functions_output = NULL; } pthread_spin_destroy(&request->lock); }