@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ source ../common.sh
timestamp=$(date +%s)
binary_directory=$(cd ../../bin && pwd)
@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ echo "Running Experiments"
# Run lower priority first, then higher priority. The lower priority has offsets to ensure it runs the entire time the high priority is trying to run
hey -n 1000 -c 1000 -cpus 6 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -d "40\n" http://${host}:10040 > "$results_directory/fib40-con.csv"
# sleep $offset
# hey -n 25000 -c 1000000 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -d "10\n" http://${host}:10010 >"$results_directory/fib10-con.csv" &
# sleep $((duration_sec + offset + 45))
sleep $offset
hey -n 25000 -c 1000000 -t 0 -o csv -m GET -d "10\n" http://${host}:10010 > "$results_directory/fib10-con.csv" &
sleep $((duration_sec + offset + 45))
# Generate *.csv and *.dat results
echo -n "Parsing Results: "
@ -57,8 +56,8 @@ for ((i = 1; i < 2; i++)); do
# Calculate Success Rate for csv
awk -F, '
$7 == 200 && ($1 * 1000) <= '"$deadline"' {ok++}
END{printf "'"$payload"',%3.5f%\n", (ok / (NR - 1) * 100)}
$7 == 200 && ($1 * 1000) <= '"$deadline"' {ok++}
END{printf "'"$payload"',%3.5f%\n", (ok / (NR - 1) * 100)}
' < "$results_directory/$payload.csv" >> "$results_directory/success.csv"
# Filter on 200s, convery from s to ms, and sort
@ -75,18 +74,18 @@ for ((i = 1; i < 2; i++)); do
# Generate Latency Data for csv
awk '
sum = 0
p50 = int('"$oks"' * 0.5)
p90 = int('"$oks"' * 0.9)
p99 = int('"$oks"' * 0.99)
p100 = '"$oks"'
printf "'"$payload"',"
NR==p50 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p90 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p99 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p100 {printf "%1.4f\n", $0}
sum = 0
p50 = int('"$oks"' * 0.5)
p90 = int('"$oks"' * 0.9)
p99 = int('"$oks"' * 0.99)
p100 = '"$oks"'
printf "'"$payload"',"
NR==p50 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p90 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p99 {printf "%1.4f,", $0}
NR==p100 {printf "%1.4f\n", $0}
' < "$results_directory/$payload-response.csv" >> "$results_directory/latency.csv"
# Delete scratch file used for sorting/counting