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76 lines
2.8 KiB
76 lines
2.8 KiB
9 months ago
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#cmd1='grep "outbound|80||%s" istio-log/%s | grep "8012::capacity::"|awk -F "::" \'{print $2 " " $4}\'' % (function, files[i])
def def_value():
return 0
def parse_file(file_dir):
running_time_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
queuing_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
total_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
runnable_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
blocked_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
initializing_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
execution_times_dict = defaultdict(def_value)
running_times = []
queuing_times = []
total_times = []
runnable_times = []
blocked_times = []
initializing_times = []
execution_times = []
fo = open(file_dir, "r+")
for line in fo:
#if "module " in line:
#jump two lines
# next(fo)
# continue
if "total_time" in line or "min" in line or "miss" in line or "meet" in line or "time " in line or "scheduling count" in line:
t = line.split(",")
id = t[1]
running_time_dict[id] += int(t[9])
queuing_times_dict[id] += int(t[6])
total_times_dict[id] += int(t[5])
runnable_times_dict[id] += int(t[8])
blocked_times_dict[id] += int(t[10])
initializing_times_dict[id] += int(t[7])
#execution_times_dict[id] += int(t[11])
for key,value in running_time_dict.items():
for key,value in queuing_times_dict.items():
for key,value in runnable_times_dict.items():
for key,value in blocked_times_dict.items():
for key,value in initializing_times_dict.items():
for key,value in total_times_dict.items():
#for key,value in execution_times_dict.items():
# execution_times.append(value)
#return np.median(running_times), np.median(queuing_times), np.median(runnable_times), np.median(blocked_times), np.median(initializing_times)
print("total_time, running_time, queuing_time, runnable_time, blocked_time, initializing_time")
print(np.median(total_times), np.median(running_times), np.median(queuing_times), np.median(runnable_times), np.median(blocked_times), np.median(initializing_times))
print(np.mean(total_times), np.mean(running_times), np.mean(queuing_times), np.mean(runnable_times), np.mean(blocked_times), np.mean(initializing_times))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
argv = sys.argv[1:]
if len(argv) < 1:
print("usage ", sys.argv[0], " file dir")
#m_running_t, m_queuing_t, m_runnable_t, m_blocked_t, m_initializing_t = parse_file(argv[0])
#print(m_running_t, m_queuing_t, m_runnable_t, m_blocked_t, m_initializing_t)