**aWsm** is an efficient serverless runtime built with the `silverfish` compiler. It combines WebAssembly sandboxing with asynchronous I/O to provide a lightweight serverless solution suitable for edge computing.
There are a set of benchmarking applications in the `/awsm/runtime/tests` directory. Run the following to compile all benchmarks runtime tests using silverfish and then copy all resulting `<application>_wasm.so` files to /awsm/runtime/bin.
Notice that it is configured to run on port 10000. The `name` field is also used to determine the path where our serverless function is served. In our case, our function is available at `http://localhost:10000/fibonacci`
Let's get the 10th. Note that I'm using [HTTPie](https://httpie.org/) to send a POST request with a body containing the parameter I want to pass to my serverless function.