BASE_DIR=../ include # SOD does not generally require a Makefile to build. Just drop sod.c and its accompanying # header files on your source tree and you are done. NCC = clang NCFLAGS = -I. -DCPU_FREQ=3600 -O3 -lm -DSOD_DISABLE_CNN -DLIBCOX_DISABLE_DISK_IO WCFLAGS = -DWASM -I. -DSOD_DISABLE_CNN -lm -DLIBCOX_DISABLE_DISK_IO #sod: sod.c # $(CC) sod.c samples/cnn_face_detection.c -o sod_face_detect -I. $(CFLAGS) EXT = out WEXT = wout SAMPLES = resize_image \ license_plate_detection #SAMPLES = batch_img_loading \ # blob_detection \ # canny_edge_detection \ # cnn_coco \ # cnn_face_detection \ # cnn_object_detection \ # cnn_voc \ # crop_image \ # dilate_image \ # erode_image \ # grayscale_image \ # hilditch_thin \ # hough_lines_detection \ # license_plate_detection \ # minutiae \ # otsu_image \ # realnet_face_detection \ # realnet_face_detection_embedded \ # realnet_train_model \ # resize_image \ # rnn_text_gen \ # rotate_image \ # sobel_operator_img SAMPLESOUT = $(SAMPLES:%=%.$(EXT)) SAMPLESWOUT = $(SAMPLES:%=%.$(WEXT)) all: clean dir copy native: samples wasm: samples.wasm # samples.wasm # samples dir: mkdir -p bin/ copy: cp samples/*.png bin/ cp samples/*.jpg bin/ samples: $(SAMPLESOUT) samples.wasm: $(SAMPLESWOUT) %.$(EXT): $(NCC) $(NCFLAGS) sod.c samples/$(@:%.$(EXT)=%.c) -o bin/$@ %.$(WEXT): $(WASMCC) $(WCFLAGS) $(WASMCFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) sod.c samples/$(@:%.$(WEXT)=%.c) $(DUMMY) -o bin/$(@:%.$(WEXT)=%.wasm) $(SFCC) bin/$(@:%.$(WEXT)=%.wasm) -o bin/$(@:%.$(WEXT)=%.bc) $(CC) ${CFLAGS} ${EXTRA_CFLAGS} $(OPTFLAGS) -D$(USE_MEM) bin/$(@:%.$(WEXT)=%.bc) $(RT_LIBC) $(RT_RT) ${MEMC} -o bin/$@ clean: rm -f bin/*