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388 lines
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7 years ago
#ifndef _SOD_H_
#define _SOD_H_
* SOD - An Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning Library.
* Copyright (C) 2018 PixLab| Symisc Systems.
* Version 1.1.7
* Symisc Systems employs a dual licensing model that offers customers
* a choice of either our open source license (GPLv3) or a commercial
* license.
* For information on licensing, redistribution of the SOD library, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES
* please visit:
* or contact:
* This file is part of Symisc SOD - Open Source Release (GPLv3)
* SOD is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with SOD. If not, see <>.
/* Make sure we can call this stuff from C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Marker for exported interfaces.
#if defined (_MSC_VER) || defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (__GNUC__) && defined (__declspec)
#define SOD_APIIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define SOD_APIEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
* The SOD_VERSION C preprocessor macro evaluates to a string literal
* that is the SOD version in the format "X.Y.Z" where X is the major
* version number and Y is the minor version number and Z is the release
* number.
#define SOD_VERSION "1.1.7"
* The SOD_VERSION_NUMBER C preprocessor macro resolves to an integer
* with the value (X*1000000 + Y*1000 + Z) where X, Y, and Z are the same
* numbers used in [SOD_VERSION].
#define SOD_VERSION_NUMBER 1001007
* Forward declarations.
* RealNets handle documented at */
typedef struct sod_realnet sod_realnet;
* Convolutional/Recurrent Neural Networks (CNN/RNN) handle documented at */
typedef struct sod_cnn sod_cnn;
* bounding box structure documented at */
typedef struct sod_box sod_box;
* Image/Frame container documented at */
typedef struct sod_img sod_img;
* Point instance documented at */
typedef struct sod_pts sod_pts;
* RealNets model handle documented at */
typedef unsigned int sod_realnet_model_handle;
* RealNets trainer handle documented at */
typedef struct sod_realnet_trainer sod_realnet_trainer;
* A bounding box or bbox for short is represented by an instance of the `sod_box` structure.
* A sod_box instance always store the coordinates of a rectangle obtained from a prior successful
* call to one of the object detection routines of a sod_cnn or sod_realnet handle such as
* `sod_cnn_predict()` or from the connected component labeling interface `sod_image_find_blobs()`.
* Besides the rectangle coordinates. The `zName` and `score` fields member of this structure hold
* useful information about the object it surround.
* This structure and related interfaces are documented at
struct sod_box {
int x; /* The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle */
int y; /* The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle */
int w; /* Rectangle width */
int h; /* Rectangle height */
float score; /* Confidence threshold. */
const char *zName; /* Detected object name. I.e. person, face, dog, car, plane, cat, bicycle, etc. */
void *pUserData; /* External pointer used by some modules such as the face landmarks, NSFW classifier, pose estimator, etc. */
* Internally, each in-memory representation of an input image or video frame
* is kept in an instance of the `sod_img` structure. Basically, a `sod_img` is just a record
* of the width, height and number of color channels in an image, and also the pixel values
* for every pixel. Images pixels are arranged in CHW format. This means in a 3 channel
* image with width 400 and height 300, the first 400 values are the 1st row of the 1st channel
* of the image. The second 400 pixels are the 2nd row. after 120,000 values we get to pixels
* in the 2nd channel, and so forth.
* This structure and related interfaces are documented at
struct sod_img {
int h; /* Image/frame height */
int w; /* Image/frame width */
int c; /* Image depth/Total number of color channels e.g. 1 for grayscale images, 3 RGB, etc. */
float *data; /* Blob */
* An instance of the `sod_pts` structure describe a 2D point in space with integer coordinates
* (usually zero-based). This structure is rarely manipulated by SOD and is used mostly by
* the Hough line detection interface `sod_hough_lines_detect()` and line drawing routine `sod_image_draw_line()`.
* This structure and related interfaces are documented at
struct sod_pts {
int x; /* The x-coordinate, in logical units of the point offset. */
int y; /* The y-coordinate, in logical units of the point offset. */
* An integer configuration option that determines what property of a `sod_cnn` handle is to be configured.
* Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb.
* The documentation (including expected arguments for each configuration verb) is available to consult
* at
typedef enum {
* RNN Consumer callback to be used in conjunction with the `SOD_RNN_CALLBACK` configuration verb.
* The documentation is available to consult at
typedef void (*ProcRnnCallback)(const char *, size_t, void *);
* Log Consumer callback to be used in conjunction with the `SOD_CNN_LOG_CALLBACK` or
* the `SOD_REALNET_TR_LOG_CALLBACK` configuration verb.
* The documentation is available to consult at
typedef void(*ProcLogCallback)(const char *, size_t, void *);
* Macros to be used in conjunction with the `sod_img_load_from_file()` or `sod_img_load_from_mem()` interfaces.
#define SOD_IMG_COLOR 0 /* Load full color channels. */
#define SOD_IMG_GRAYSCALE 1 /* Load an image in the grayscale colorpsace only (single channel). */
* Macros around a stack allocated `sod_img` instance.
#define SOD_IMG_2_INPUT(IMG) ( /* Pointer to raw binary contents (blobs) of an image or frame. */
#define SOD_IS_EMPTY_IMG(IMG) (! /* NIL pointer test (marker for an empty or broken image format). */
* Possible return value from each exported SOD interface defined below.
#define SOD_OK 0 /* Everything went well */
#define SOD_UNSUPPORTED -1 /* Unsupported Pixel format */
#define SOD_OUTOFMEM -4 /* Out-of-Memory */
#define SOD_ABORT -5 /* User callback request an operation abort */
#define SOD_IOERR -6 /* IO error */
#define SOD_LIMIT -7 /* Limit reached */
* An integer configuration option that determines what property of a `sod_realnet_trainer` handle is to be configured.
* Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb.
* The documentation (including expected arguments for each configuration verb) is available to consult
* at
typedef enum {
* An integer configuration option that determines what property of a `sod_realnet` handle is to be configured.
* Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration verb.
* The documentation (including expected arguments for each configuration verb) is available to consult
* at
typedef enum {
* SOD Embedded C/C++ API.
* The API documentation is available to consult at
* The introduction course is available to consult at
* Convolutional/Recurrent Neural Networks (CNN/RNN) API.
* The interfaces are documented at
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_cnn_create(sod_cnn **ppOut, const char *zArch, const char *zModelPath, const char **pzErr);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_cnn_config(sod_cnn *pNet, SOD_CNN_CONFIG conf, ...);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_cnn_predict(sod_cnn *pNet, float *pInput, sod_box **paBox, int *pnBox);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_cnn_destroy(sod_cnn *pNet);
SOD_APIEXPORT float * sod_cnn_prepare_image(sod_cnn *pNet, sod_img in);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_cnn_get_network_size(sod_cnn *pNet, int *pWidth, int *pHeight, int *pChannels);
#endif /* SOD_DISABLE_CNN */
* RealNets API.
* The interfaces are documented at
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_create(sod_realnet **ppOut);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_load_model_from_mem(sod_realnet *pNet, const void * pModel, unsigned int nBytes, sod_realnet_model_handle *pOutHandle);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_load_model_from_disk(sod_realnet *pNet, const char * zPath, sod_realnet_model_handle *pOutHandle);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_model_config(sod_realnet *pNet, sod_realnet_model_handle handle, SOD_REALNET_MODEL_CONFIG conf, ...);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_detect(sod_realnet *pNet, const unsigned char *zGrayImg, int width, int height, sod_box **apBox, int *pnBox);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_realnet_destroy(sod_realnet *pNet);
* RealNets Training API.
* The interfaces are documented at
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_train_init(sod_realnet_trainer **ppOut);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_train_config(sod_realnet_trainer *pTrainer, SOD_REALNET_TRAINER_CONFIG op, ...);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_realnet_train_start(sod_realnet_trainer *pTrainer, const char *zConf);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_realnet_train_release(sod_realnet_trainer *pTrainer);
* Image Processing API.
* The interfaces are documented at
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_make_empty_image(int w, int h, int c);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_make_image(int w, int h, int c);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_grow_image(sod_img *pImg,int w, int h, int c);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_make_random_image(int w, int h, int c);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_copy_image(sod_img m);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_free_image(sod_img m);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_load_from_file(const char *zFile, int nChannels);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_load_from_mem(const unsigned char *zBuf, int buf_len, int nChannels);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_set_load_from_directory(const char *zPath, sod_img ** apLoaded, int * pnLoaded, int max_entries);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_set_release(sod_img *aLoaded, int nEntries);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_save_as_png(sod_img input, const char *zPath);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_save_as_jpeg(sod_img input, const char *zPath, int Quality);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_blob_save_as_png(const char * zPath, const unsigned char *zBlob, int width, int height, int nChannels);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_blob_save_as_jpeg(const char * zPath, const unsigned char *zBlob, int width, int height, int nChannels, int Quality);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_blob_save_as_bmp(const char * zPath, const unsigned char *zBlob, int width, int height, int nChannels);
#define sod_img_load_color(zPath) sod_img_load_from_file(zPath, SOD_IMG_COLOR)
#define sod_img_load_grayscale(zPath) sod_img_load_from_file(zPath, SOD_IMG_GRAYSCALE)
SOD_APIEXPORT float sod_img_get_pixel(sod_img m, int x, int y, int c);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_set_pixel(sod_img m, int x, int y, int c, float val);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_add_pixel(sod_img m, int x, int y, int c, float val);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_get_layer(sod_img m, int l);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_rgb_to_hsv(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_hsv_to_rgb(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_rgb_to_bgr(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_bgr_to_rgb(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_yuv_to_rgb(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_rgb_to_yuv(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_gaussian_noise_reduce(sod_img grayscale);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_equalize_histogram(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_grayscale_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_grayscale_image_3c(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_threshold_image(sod_img im, float thresh);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_otsu_binarize_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_binarize_image(sod_img im, int reverse);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_dilate_image(sod_img im, int times);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_erode_image(sod_img im, int times);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_sharpen_filtering_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_hilditch_thin_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_sobel_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_canny_edge_image(sod_img im, int reduce_noise);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_pts * sod_hough_lines_detect(sod_img im, int threshold, int *nPts);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_hough_lines_release(sod_pts *pLines);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_image_find_blobs(sod_img im, sod_box **paBox, int *pnBox, int(*xFilter)(int width, int height));
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_blob_boxes_release(sod_box *pBox);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_composite_image(sod_img source, sod_img dest, int dx, int dy);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_flip_image(sod_img input);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_image_distance(sod_img a, sod_img b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_embed_image(sod_img source, sod_img dest, int dx, int dy);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_blend_image(sod_img fore, sod_img back, float alpha);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_scale_image_channel(sod_img im, int c, float v);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_translate_image_channel(sod_img im, int c, float v);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_resize_image(sod_img im, int w, int h);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_resize_max(sod_img im, int max);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_resize_min(sod_img im, int min);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_rotate_crop_image(sod_img im, float rad, float s, int w, int h, float dx, float dy, float aspect);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_rotate_image(sod_img im, float rad);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_translate_image(sod_img m, float s);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_scale_image(sod_img m, float s);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_normalize_image(sod_img p);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_transpose_image(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_crop_image(sod_img im, int dx, int dy, int w, int h);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_random_crop_image(sod_img im, int w, int h);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_random_augment_image(sod_img im, float angle, float aspect, int low, int high, int size);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_box(sod_img im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_box_grayscale(sod_img im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float g);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_circle(sod_img im, int x0, int y0, int radius, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_circle_thickness(sod_img im, int x0, int y0, int radius, int width, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_bbox(sod_img im, sod_box bbox, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_bbox_width(sod_img im, sod_box bbox, int width, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_draw_line(sod_img im, sod_pts start, sod_pts end, float r, float g, float b);
SOD_APIEXPORT unsigned char * sod_image_to_blob(sod_img im);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_image_free_blob(unsigned char *zBlob);
* OpenCV Integration API. The library must be compiled against OpenCV
* with the compile-time directive SOD_ENABLE_OPENCV defined.
* The documentation is available to consult at
* The interfaces are documented at
* Change the include paths to the directory where OpenCV reside
* if those headers are not found by your compiler.
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_load_cv_ipl(IplImage* src);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_load_from_cv(const char *filename, int channels);
SOD_APIEXPORT sod_img sod_img_load_from_cv_stream(CvCapture *cap);
SOD_APIEXPORT int sod_img_fill_from_cv_stream(CvCapture *cap, sod_img *pImg);
SOD_APIEXPORT void sod_img_save_to_cv_jpg(sod_img im, const char *zPath);
#endif /* SOD_ENABLE_OPENCV */
* SOD Embedded Release Information & Copyright Notice.
SOD_APIEXPORT const char * sod_lib_copyright(void);
#define SOD_LIB_INFO "SOD Embedded - Release 1.1.7 under GPLv3. Copyright (C) 2018 PixLab| Symisc Systems,"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SOD_H_ */